June 14th, 2024


1. Sheinbaum Receives High-Level Delegation from the U.S. Government 

Claudia Sheinbaum, who won the Mexican presidential elections held on June 2nd, met on Tuesday with a delegation from the United States government that included National Security Advisor Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall and U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar. The main purpose of the meeting was to address issues on the common agenda between the two nations.

According to Sheinbaum’s report, during the meeting – which she attended alongside the coordinator of her transition team, Juan Ramón de la Fuente, and Senator Omar García Harfuch – topics related to trade, security, and migration were generally discussed, as well as the issue of weapons entering Mexico from the United States. The meeting was held in an “informal chat” atmosphere, without delving into specific details or formalizing concrete agreements.

Milenio: Sheinbaum se reúne con una comitiva del Gobierno de EE.UU.

2. PRD Will Lose Its Registration as a Federal Party 

The National Electoral Institute (INE) has announced that the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) is in a prevention period regarding the possible loss of its national registration. This measure is due to the PRD failing to obtain three percent of the votes in the recent presidential, legislative, and senatorial elections.

Jesús Zambrano, the party leader, has acknowledged the insufficiency of votes but plans to appeal to the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary (TEPJF), arguing that they were victims of an electoral process biased in favor of Morena and its allies. The potential disappearance of the PRD’s registration, after 35 years of history, marks a significant shift in Mexican politics, from being a prominent left-wing actor to becoming an ally of the right against Morena and Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

El Financiero: Historia del PRD: De la creación con Cárdenas al apogeo con AMLO y la pérdida de registro con Zambrano

3. Growth Projection for Mexico Drops

The Mexican economy is projected to grow by 2.3% this year, according to estimates provided by the World Bank (WB). The international institution has revised its forecasts for the country downward by 0.3% compared to the predictions issued in January, attributing this adjustment to high interest rates and a decrease in domestic demand.

This scenario represents a slowdown compared to the growth of over 3% recorded last year. Additionally, the WB anticipates another slowdown in 2025, with a growth rate of 2.1%.

El País: El Banco Mundial reduce su pronóstico del crecimiento para México a un 2,3% este año

4. Mexico Fails the Rule of Law Index 

The 2023-2024 Rule of Law Index in Mexico by the World Justice Project (WJP) revealed that all 32 federal entities failed in adhering to the principles of the rule of law. The report evaluates limits on governmental power, absence of corruption, order and security, and civil and criminal justice. The national average score was 0.42 on a scale of 0 to 1, where 1 represents greater adherence to the rule of law. Querétaro obtained the highest score with 0.51, while Veracruz ranked last with 0.35.

In terms of limits on governmental power, Querétaro led with 0.51 and Morelos scored 0.29. The fight against corruption showed a negative trend, with Querétaro standing out at 0.48 and the State of Mexico scoring 0.26, reflecting high levels of corruption in various areas of government. Regarding order and security, Baja California Sur was the best rated with 0.65, while the State of Mexico was the worst with 0.26, highlighting significant public security issues. These results indicate serious deficiencies across all evaluated entities.

Aristegui Noticias: Reprueban las 32 entidades mexicanas en preservación del Estado de Derecho: WJP

5. President and President-Elect to Tour States Together  

Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, the president-elect, shared that this weekend she will make an initial tour of three Mexican states accompanied by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador as planned after their meeting at the National Palace.

She mentioned that they will visit Durango, Tamaulipas, and Coahuila to tour various public works and projects promoted by the federal and state governments. She did not provide further details but assured that ongoing projects would be continued.

Infobae: Estos son los tres estados que visitará Claudia Sheinbaum con AMLO en su primer viaje por México