September 27th, 2024


1. Milei speaks against the 2045 Agenda at the UN

In the framework of Javier Milei’s first speech at the United Nations, Argentina decided to vote against Agenda 2045. Also known as the Pact of the Future, the initiative of the General Assembly is an extension of Agenda 2030 and a new guideline that extends from social networks and artificial intelligence to reforms to the UN itself. In the first global decision of the new Argentine government, President Javiel Milei and Foreign Minister Diana Mondino made clear their disagreement with the provisions of the Pact for the Future. Both criticized the economic provisions for tax increases and the limitations on freedom of expression in social networks. “We want to face the challenges of terrorism, threats to territorial integrity, democracy, international security and economic development. To do so, we take as our guide the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. These deviations generate problems not only for the country itself but also for those with whom it interacts,” Mondino said on her X account prior to her speech at the General Assembly.

El Cronista: Argentina, sin agenda 2045 de la ONU: la interna que compromete el ingreso de divisas

2. The government implements changes in the labor law

Through Decree 847/2024 published early this Thursday morning in the Official Gazette, the Government made official the regulation of the labor reform approved in the Basic Law by both Chambers of Congress and which required different meetings with union and business sectors to move forward with its implementation. Among the main changes and additions are the details for a regularization of labor relations, the pertinent modifications to a labor termination system, the just cause for dismissal due to blockades, the extension of the trial period, among other modifications.

La Nación: El Gobierno oficializó la reglamentación de la reforma laboral aprobada en la Ley Bases

3. The City of Buenos Aires announces a reform of the secondary school model

The government of Buenos Aires announced that its secondary schools will have a new model, called “Secundaria Aprende.” This new proposal will be implemented next year in a pilot of 30 secondary schools (19 public and 11 private). It was designed within the framework of a consultation process with different stakeholders of the educational system, and as part of the Buenos Aires Aprende plan, which according to the authorities seeks to “move from teaching to learning.” This new proposal includes the elimination of annualized repetition (i.e. “repeating the year”), previous subjects, teachers per position, prioritization of content according to students’ interests, a redesign of learning spaces and times, and paid hours for planning and teamwork among teachers. The “Secundaria Aprende” model proposes a class structure more similar to that of a university than that of traditional secondary schools. If successful, the reform will be gradually extended to state and private schools, with the goal of eventually reaching the 195,900 students who attend secondary school in one of the 508 secondary schools in the city.

Infobae: El gobierno porteño anunció una reforma de la secundaria: no habrá previas ni se repetirá el año

4. The Justicialist Party, strained in its reorganization

Peronism is looking for its reorganization after the loss of the national elections of December 2023, which has generated great tensions within the political space. Both Máximo Kirchner, president of the Buenos Aires PJ, leader of La Cámpora and national deputy, and Axel Kicillof, current governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, are referents within the opposition and seek to shape political spaces around their figures. The former headed last Friday afternoon, in the city of La Plata, the event “Armar de nuevo, Kirchner en Atenas,” through which he sought to promote the epic of the Kirchner surname. In addition, the Kirchnerist militants inaugurated a new song whose implicit addressee was Kicillof himself. Meanwhile, the governor of Buenos Aires is looking for the organization of his own political space with mayors of his province. Another important issue within the opposition is that the Peronist Loyalty Day is approaching. It is expected that each referent will organize its own commemorative act on October 17 and compete for the summoning of trade unionists and sympathizers.

Infobae: Los intendentes de Kicillof calientan el Día de la Lealtad con un acto cruzado por la interna del peronismo

5. The new Poverty Index is published

Marking the first official data on the living conditions of the Argentines under President Javier Milei, and in spite of the Government’s attempt to contain the unprotected segments, poverty grew to 52.9% in the first half of the year, the highest rate since 2003. The dramatic number was calculated by technicians working in the Permanent Household Survey (EPH) of the Indec and reported this afternoon by the statistical agency headed by Marco Lavagna. The number of poor people, if the official data is projected to the whole country, reached almost 25 million. Indigence jumped to 18.1%, reaching 8.5 million people.

INDEC: Incidencia de la pobreza y la indigencia en 31 aglomerados urbanos