July 19th, 2024


1. Claudia Sheinbaum appoints three cabinet members 

President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum appointed three more individuals who would be part of her legal cabinet for the 2024-2030 government term. Marath Bolaños, current Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare, will continue in the next administration, during which continuity is expected in matters such as the minimum wage. Claudia Curiel de Icaza, who currently serves as Secretary of Culture of Mexico City, will lead the federal Ministry of Culture.

Meanwhile, Josefina Rodríguez Zamora will assume the position of Secretary of Tourism, a role she currently holds at the local level in Tlaxcala. With these announcements, the legal cabinet of the next president is nearly complete. Sheinbaum announced that in September, she will reveal the remaining two positions for National Defense and Navy.

El Financiero: De Marath Bolaños a Claudia Curiel: Sheinbaum presenta a secretarias del Trabajo, Cultura y Turismo.

2. Supreme Court stops the resolution of environmental and mining laws 

Through a decree published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF), the full bench of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) ordered lower courts to suspend resolutions on challenges made to various laws. Among them are reforms to the General Law of National Waters, General Law for the Prevention and Integral Management of Wastes, and General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection, all promoted by the current administration.

While the Court did not announce a date for determining these matters, it is expected that this will establish a general criterion of constitutionality to be applied in similar cases.

Excelsior: Corte publica acuerdo para congelar amparos contra Ley Minera.

La Jornada: Congela SCJN amparos contra reformas a concesiones de minería y agua.

3. Sheinbaum meets with U.S. legislators

Accompanied by Ambassador Ken Salazar and the incoming Foreign Minister Juan Ramón de la Fuente, Claudia Sheinbaum received senators and representatives from the United States Congress, along with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

At her transition headquarters, various topics were discussed, including migration, security, economic growth, and trade. On social media, Sheinbaum emphasized the importance of maintaining friendly relations with partners and neighbors. Congressman Lou Correa remarked that efforts will be made to benefit the people of both countries.

El Financiero: Sheinbaum habla de migración, comercio y seguridad con legisladores de EU.

4. Industry weakens in the first half of the year

According to the Monthly Indicator of Industrial Activity (IMAI) published by INEGI, the industry showed a 0.6% annual growth in May last year. This figure marks the second consecutive month of moderation following a 2.0% growth in March 2024.

Activities such as mining and manufacturing recorded contractions in May, prompting various analysts to highlight the importance of industries like oil and gas extraction in maintaining consistent industrial activity figures.

El Financiero: Industria se debilita: avanza a su menor ritmo en 30 meses.

5. Interoceanic Train will strengthen regional trade

During the president’s morning conference, Admiral Morales Ángeles from the Secretariat of the Navy (Semar), director of the interoceanic corridor project in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, presented the progress of the project. Ángeles stated that the corridor will facilitate the movement of goods between Guatemala and the United States, accelerating the development of neighboring countries and the southeastern region of Mexico.

He announced that trade with Guatemala will be strengthened through the construction and rehabilitation of infrastructure in the border area, in addition to including the construction of 200 kilometers of roadway in the neighboring country.

Forbes: México busca habilitar comercio entre EU y Guatemala con el corredor interoceánico.

El Sol de México: Marina ampliará el Tren Interoceánico comercio entre México y Guatemala.