June 21st, 2024


1. Claudia Sheinbaum announces first part of her cabinet 

President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum Prado announced the first six individuals who will be part of her cabinet for the 2024-2030 government. She hinted that next Thursday she will announce another group of upcoming cabinet members.

Marcelo Ebrard, former chancellor, will be Secretary of Economy and will lead the shared prosperity model and the renewal of the USMCA in 2026. Rosaura Ruiz will lead the new Ministry of Humanities, Technology, and Innovation, which will replace CONAHCYT. Juan Ramón de la Fuente, former rector of UNAM and government transition coordinator, will be Secretary of Foreign Affairs.

Alicia Bárcena, current Foreign Affairs Ministry, will lead the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources for the upcoming government; Julio Berdegué will occupy the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, and Ernestina Godoy, former attorney general of Mexico City, will serve as Legal Counselor to the Presidency.

El País: Sheinbaum diseña un Gabinete de políticos veteranos y donde la Ciencia alcanza el máximo rango.

El País: Quién es quién en el Gabinete de Claudia Sheinbaum.

2. President-elect meets with businessmen, announces new Digital Agency  

In a meeting with members of the Business Coordinating Council (CCE), Claudia Sheinbaum announced the creation of the Federal Government’s Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency. This institution will advance the digitization agenda to streamline procedures and improve relations with the private sector and citizens, thus facilitating investment and reducing corruption in these processes.

During the meeting, Francisco Cervantes, president of the Business Coordinating Council (CCE), announced that over $42 billion dollars in investment are expected in the country this year. Cervantes highlighted this as a sign of confidence in the incoming government, emphasizing the importance of dialogue to strengthen the national economy.

Proceso: Sheinbaum anuncia la creación de la Agencia de Transformación Digital y Telecomunicaciones.

Aristegui Noticias: CCE anuncia inversiones por más de 42 mil mdd en reunión con Sheinbaum. 

3. Tropical storm “Alberto” hits northeast of the country

Alberto,” the first cyclone of the Atlantic season, approached the coasts of Mexico and the United States, triggering alerts for local and federal civil protection authorities. Affecting the states of Nuevo León, Veracruz, Tamaulipas, and San Luis Potosí, it caused floods, river overflows, electrical storms, and landslides in the affected areas.

Local civil protection authorities confirmed the death of four people following the impact on Wednesday. The governor of Nuevo León announced the temporary suspension of activities as a preventive measure and reported that rivers and dams were at around 80% of their capacity. Meanwhile, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador informed about the collaboration of the Armed Forces in safeguarding the population.

El País: Al menos cuatro muertos tras el impacto de la tormenta tropical ‘Alberto’ en Nuevo León. 

4. AMLO dismisses IMF forecast; INEGI indicates recovery 

This month, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) reduced its growth forecast for the country, now predicting growth of 1.8% for the 2025-2027 period. Following the organization’s statements comparing this rate with 4.5% for Argentina, President López Obrador criticized the IMF, attributing responsibility for Argentina’s economic situation to the organization and questioning its statements and projections for the future.

The president’s remarks match with the latest publication from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), which reports a monthly growth of 0.3% in May in the Global Economic Activity Indicator (IGAE) following a decline in April. This growth is supported by recovery in the industry and services sectors, which saw an increase this month, contributing to the projected annual increase of 2% in the country’s economic activity according to the Timely Economic Activity Indicator (IOAE).

Expansión Política: AMLO descalifica al FMI por prever mayor crecimiento de Argentina sobre México. 

El Informador: Economía logró avanzar en mayo tras retroceso en abril: Inegi.

5. AMLO celebrates migrant regularization in the US 

During his morning press conference, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador celebrated the migrant regularization measure issued by Joe Biden, President of the United States. This project aims to regularize the status of undocumented migrants married to U.S. citizens, benefiting thousands of Mexican families.

The president emphasized the justice involved in this measure and noted that it represents a partial advance in the measures proposed by Mexico to address the migration situation in the region.

Aristegui Noticias: AMLO celebra plan de Biden para regularizar a migrantes casados con estadounidenses.